Welcome to Evermore Publishing

Our Publications

You can find our publications in our OpenArchive. It goes in chronological order, from oldest to newest.

About Us

Evermore Publishing is an online-only publisher run by independant affiliates across the world. The range of what we can publish is endless, we'll happily publish your papers, articals, blogs, notes, lessons, etc. for no cost to you or anyone at all! We are devoted to publishing those who want to have their work out on the open internet for free.

How to Get Published

Our team is always happy to review your work(s) to see if we'd be interested in publishing them for you. Here's the steps to pitch your idea and get published:

  1. Proofread and spell check your work and download it as a PDF.
  2. Email the PDF(s) to evermorepublishing.team@gmail.com with a description of the work(s) and why you think we should publish it.
  3. If we accept it: We will let you know and we will start typesetting it for you and send the final PDF(s) for you to review. Then, we'll upload the file(s) to our OpenArchive.
  4. If we reject it:We'll tell you if we like your idea and what needs to be fixed, or we will tell you that we're not interested. If we're not interested in a specific idea, then you can still submit more for us to review.
You must note that we reserve the right to reject your work(s) for any reasons, which will be up to our discretion. We will never claim your work as our own.

We also offer a few types of publications: WebPublish, PDF, or a combination of the two. WebPublish is our system of putting all of the text into an HTML file and saving it as a webpage, whereas the PDF type is just a PDF file that we store in our server. We will never remove a work from our archives unless we have to.

Our House Style

We have two styles that we use depending on what type of publication you want. If it's a PDF publication, we use footnotes for citations and notes. If it's on WebPublish, then we use parenthetical citations but epeinotes for extra notes. You can read more about these in our Style Guide.

You can also request a special OpenArchive page for just your or your team's works. If this is something you want, email us.